Batman-Judge Dredd Collection out at last

Batman Judge Dredd Collection Cover

Finally, every Judge Dredd versus Batman story ever published, um.. republished, in over 300 Thrill-packed pages!

The long-awaited Batman/Judge Dredd Collection, first announced for a November release last year, includes all four team-ups of the greatest crime-fighting duo – so far, anyway!

Plus! Bonus story featuring the main man, a Mean-Machine and the greatest butt-fest in history. (that’s heads, btw for our American friends!)

  • Judgement On Gotham
    By John Wagner (Judge Dredd, A History Of Violence)/Alan Grant (writer)/Simon Bisley (artist)All three creators are at the top of their game in this, the first – and arguably greatest – of the four books in the Eagle vs Bat series: A confused Batman finds a dimension-jumping belt device after encountering an evil entity known as Judge Death, who killed an innocent couple and a cop in Gotham City. Using the malevolent being’s own technology, Batman travels to it’s last destination – Mega-City One. Arriving in the future city, the Dark Knight meets some of it’s colourful characters, including psycho-cyborg, Mean-Machine Angel, Psi-Judge Cass Anderson, and, of course..Judge Dredd. Conversely in Gotham, Death will also encounter the city’s darker denizens, notably “Master of Fear”, the Scarecrow. Who will win in these formidable battle of wills, between both Good (Dredd vs. Bats) and Evil (Scarecrow vs. Death)?
  • Vendetta In Gotham
    By Wagner/Grant (writers). Cam Kennedy (Judge Dredd, Star WarsDark Empire)After the brief tussle between Judge Dredd and Batman, in Judgement On Gotham, Dredd travels to Gotham City to sort out their differences once and for all! Also appearing in this story is violent animated puppet, “Scarface”, who controls his weak-willed operator, The Ventriloquist. 
  • The Ultimate Riddle
    By Carl Critchlow (Lobster Random, Thrud the Barbarian)Lured into a trap by The Riddler, Batman finds himself in a cage with other dangerous tough guys from different dimensions and across the galaxy. Amongst them is Judge Dredd, but how will Batman’s style of non-lethal conflict match up against Dredd’s shoot-to-kill policy? And who will be last man standing…?
  • Die Laughing
    By Glenn Fabry (Slaine the King, The AuthorityKev), Jim Murray (Judge Dredd, Drowntown) & Jason Brashill (Judge Dredd, Spaced – TV show)From Judge Death’s last visit to Gotham City he had left behind his dimension-jump belt in the hands of arch-villain, The Scarecrow, which is then acquired by heinous harlequin, Clown Prince of Crime – the Joker! Wasting no time Joker uses the D-jump to evade his nemesis the Batman, escaping to Mega-City One, where his diabolical plan begins to unfold… Seizing the opportunity to make a daring heist, as Mega-City’s most feared foes, the Dark Judges are being transported to a new, more secure facility, local criminal agents attack the convoy taking control of the deadly cargo, delivering them into the hands of the Joker! But what possible motive can the murderous madman have to form such an unholy alliance with the four most dangerous beings in this, or any world?!
  • Lobo/Judge Dredd:Psycho Bikers Vs. Mutants From Hell
    By Alan Grant (writer) Val Semeiks  (Conan, Lobo)Another classic crossover from the DC Universe – this time it involves three of the hardest men in comics history, each willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done, and in turn, the best there is in what they do! I’m talking of course about interstellar bounty hunter/genocidal maniac, th’ Main Man, Lobo, responsible for exterminating an entire planet – his own!, Judge Dredd who put a whole city to death in retaliation to his own being nearly destroyed (of which the consequences are still being felt) and finest proponent of the headbutt in the known universe, homicidal headcase, Mean-Machine Angel! Need I say more…!

Released this week, The Batman/Judge Dredd Collection is available now from the 2000AD online store, all good bookshops both physical and digital.

No cheap gimmick or hastily cobbled together tie-ins here, this is a must-have book for all Batman, Judge Dredd or Lobo fans.

Oh, and cracking cover art from Mike Mignola, too!

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Categories: 2000AD, British Comics, British Comics - Collections, Featured News, US Comics

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