Here’s this week’s (belated) list of comics on sale now in comic shops across the UK. As usual, our list highlights the work of British creators and publishers.
Three Cinebook titles hit comic shops this week, including the latest Lucky Luke title – but for my money the latest volume of Damocles by Joel Callede and Alain Henriet looks fantastic and is well worth checking out.
This week has also seen the release of three great titles from Titan Comics: the psychedelic science fiction The 6 Voyages Of Loane Sloane by none other than legendary Heavy Metal alumnus Philippe Druillet, which is visually stunning; The Da Vinci Code Meets The X-Files in thrilling conspiracy murder mystery Ring Of Roses collection and, of course, Rivers of London: Body Work by Ben Aaronovitch, Andrew Cartmel and Lee Sullivan (reviewed here).
Ring of Roses, introduced by Dave Gibbons, is a fine collection of the four part mini-series first published by Dark Horse. “The creative team was not drawn from the ranks of the usual comic-book suspects but comprised Das Petrou, an advertising copywriter; Trev Goring, an advertising studio head; and John Watkiss, an illustrator well practised in the fields of animation and advertising,” Dave notes, adding: “between them they brought a sense of drama that was fresh and invigorating.” Sentiments I can only echo here – you should really check it out.
Over at Marvel Comics, be sure to check out Captain Britain And Mighty Defenders #1, the first of a two-part mini series from Al Ewing and Alan Davis. The script’s cracking and it’s a great tale that I hope sells well, helped by Alan’s fab art, and Marvel will return to the characters.
Don’t forget that despite many British publishers lack of faith in full-blown cover to cover comic strip action and humour, there are still comics on sale in newsagents that still delight in bringing you such subversive delights, including The Beano, Commando, Judge Dredd Megazine, Panini’s superhero titles and VIZ, with great strips also featuring in titles such as Doctor Who Magazine, Doctor Who Adventures, Titan’s Doctor Who Comic (collecting their strips from the US format titles) Mega, TOXIC and many others.
The Hachette Judge Dredd Collection is also on sale now, but you may now have to subscribe if you want to continue buying it as Part Works are not distributed in newsagents after their first few issues.
Plus, the wonderful Phoenix Comic is on sale in all Waitrose supermarkets as well as available on subscription and through its dedicated iPad app.
British Comic Publishers
2000AD Prog 1939
Featuring “Judge Dredd: Blood of Emeralds” by Michael Carroll, Colin MacNeil, Chris Blythe, and Annie Parkhouse; “Absalom: Under A False Flag” by Gordon Rennie, Tiernan Trevallion, and Simon Bowland; “Jaegir: Tartarus” by Gordon Rennie, Simon Coleby, Len O’Grady, and Simon Bowland; “Outlier: Dark Symmetries” by TC Eglington & Karl Richardson; and “Helium” by Ian Edginton, D’Israeli, and Ellie De Ville.
Aquila #4
Writer: Gordon Rennie Artist/Cover Artist: Leigh Gallagher
Aquila, former slave, ex-gladiator, and current servant of Ammit the Devourer, carves a bloody path through Rome as the Emperor Nero seeks to make himself a god. Religions, races, and monsters are flung together in the temples and catacombs of the Imperial City.
Alone Graphic Novel Volume 3: Clan Of Shark
Writer: Fabien Vehlmann Artist/Cover Artist: Bruno Gazzotti
In the world after the Vanishing, new societies are emerging. The five Campton children are travelling to neighbouring cities by bus, desperately looking for other living humans. All they find are deserted settlements, burned forests and packs of feral dogs, until one day they discover an amusement park filled with kids, all found and gathered by Saul, the owner’s son. A strange, authoritarian child who worships the park’s great white shark, and whose arbitrary rules are not at all to the taste of the newcomers.
Damocles Graphic Novel Volume 2: Impossible Ransom
Writer: Joel Callede Artist/Cover Artist: Alain Henriet
Will the agents of Damocles succeed in protecting their client – and at what price? Ellie’s mission of protecting a rich young man is getting increasingly difficult: her young client is too visible, too unruly. She manages to thwart another kidnapping attempt – albeit by taking enormous personal risks – and requests her charge now be kept in seclusion. But even the most secret hideouts aren’t safe when the enemy is so determined. And the political and economic stakes are high, not to mention personal grudges.
Lucky Luke Trade Paperback Volume 53 Nitroglycerin
Writer: Lo Hartog Van Artist/Cover Artist: Morris
Two companies are competing to build the intercontinental railway. When one sends saboteurs to intercept the powder needed to pierce tunnels through the mountains, the other calls upon Lucky Luke to protect a last chance convoy. The problem is, it’s not powder that gets loaded onto the train this time – it’s nitroglycerin! And as if that wasn’t enough, the saboteurs are still around – and the Daltons are convinced the train is full of gold!
6 Voyages Of Lone Sloane Graphic Novel Volume 1 (Mature Readers)
Writer/Artist/ Cover Artist: Philippe Druillet
A cosmic game has begun. And Lone Sloane is the pawn they all want to play. Traveling alone in the cosmos, Sloane, a solitary interstellar explorer has become imbued with mystical powers. He finds himself escaping one power-seeking madman only to be captured by another. Follow Sloane through six unpredictable Lovecraftian journeys from space pirates, dragons, to ancient Gods.
Ring Of Roses Graphic Novel
Writer: Das Petrou Artist: John Watkiss
The X-Files meets The Da Vinci Code! Lawyer Samuel Waterhouse investigates a ghoulish murder mystery set in alternate history London of religious mania, secret societies, and the plague.
Rivers of London: Body Work #1 (Mature Readers)
Writer: Ben Aaronovitch, Andrew Cartmel Artist/Cover Artist: Lee Sullivan
Peter Grant is one of only two members of a very special branch of London’s Metropolitan Police. He is, in fact, pretty much a wizard and it’s his job to investigate those shadowy crimes that involve urban vampires, weird folk in the underground and, in this case, why cars are suddenly taking on lives of their own and killing innocent folk! Written by Doctor Who writer Ben Aaronovitch (Remembrance of the Daleks) and set in the world of his own best-selling novels, with Doctor Who script editor Andrew Cartmel! In continuity with the Rivers of London novels, this is an all-new story set between books 4 and 5!
US Comic Publishers
Dark Horse
Abe Sapien Trade Paperback Volume 6 Darkness So Great
BPRD Hell On Earth #133
Writer: Mike Mignola, John Arcudi Artist: Julian Totino Tedesco Cover Artist: Laurence Campbell
Johann’s fascination with the Sledgehammer armor leads to a strange journey into the past and the origin of Project Epimetheus.
Dark Horse Presents 2014 #12
Death Head #1
Groo Friends And Foes #7
Plants Vs Zombies #2 Bully For You
Predator Fire & Stone Trade Paperback
Shaper #5
Strain Night Eternal #11 (Mature Readers)
Usagi Yojimbo #147
DC Comics
Astro City #25
Batman Harley Quinn Trade Paperback
Batman Second Chances Trade Paperback
Black Canary #2
Doomed #2
Dr Fate #2
Green Lantern Corps Trade Paperback Volume 6 Reckoning
Green Lantern The Lost Army #2
Harley Quinn #18
Invisibles Hard Cover Book 4 Deluxe Edition (Mature Readers)
Writer: Grant Morrison Artist: Chris Weston & Various Cover Artist: Brian Bolland
In this INVISIBLES collection, the team launches an assault on an underground New Mexico lab to free the cure for the AIDS virus, and the final fate of mankind is decided in the apocalyptic transdimensional showdown!
Collects THE INVISIBLES VOL. 2 #14-22 and VOL. 3 #12-1.
Justice League #42
Martian Manhunter #2
Writer: Rob Williams Artist/Cover Artist: Eddy Barrows, Eber Ferreira
It’s the Man of Steel versus the Martian Manhunter as Superman demands to know what J’onn J’onnz knew about the Martians’ terrible plans for Earth.
New 52 Futures End Trade Paperback Volume 2
New Suicide Squad Trade Paperback Volume 1 Pure Insanity
Robin Son Of Batman #2
Secret Six #4
Supergirl Trade Paperback Volume 6 Crucible
Superman Wonder Woman #19
Godzilla In Hell #1
Littlest Pet Shop Hard Cover Wait A Second
My Little Pony Adventures In Friendship Hard Cove Volume 3
Superman Atomic Age Sundays Hard Cover Volume 01 1949 – 1953
Image Comics
Astronauts In Trouble #2
Writer: Larry Young Artist/Cover Artist: Charlie Adlard
Colonel Lloyd Macadam’s top-secret moon-shot program: exposed! Secret moon rocket: stolen by Russians! Life or death: IN SPACE!
Drifter #6 (Variant Covers, Mature Readers)
Elephantmen #65 (Mature Readers)
Writer: Richard Starkings Artist: Axel Medellin Cover Artist: Boo Cook
Empty #5
Empty Zone #2 (Mature Readers)
Invincible #121
Island #1 (Mature Readers)
Mantle #3 (Mature Readers)
Penny Dora And The Wishing Box Trade Paperback Volume 1
Postal #5 (Variant Covers)
Red One Hard Cover Welcome To America (Mature Readers)
Revival #31 (Mature Readers)
Reyn #6
Roche Limit Clandestiny #3
Secret Identities #6
Skullkickers #33
Trees #11 (Mature Readers)
Writer: Warren Ellis Artist/Cover Artist: Jason Howard
A Tree stands on Orkney. Five thousand years ago, this was the centre of the world.
Marvel Comics
All New X-Men Premium Hard Cover Volume 7 Utopians
Ant-Man Annual #1
Armor Wars #3 (Secret Wars)
Writer: James Robinson Artist: Marcio Takara Cover Artist: Paul Rivoche
• JIM RHODES’ investigation of the murder of one of TECHNOPOLIS’ few superheroes takes an unexpected and dangerous turn
• What kind of ramifications will the plans and machinations of ARNO STARK and THE KINGPIN have on BARON TONY STARK?
• As KIRI fights through her grief by continuing her work on new armored creations we see how they may change the face of Technopolis…and beyond…forever!
Rated T+
Captain Britain And Mighty Defenders #1 (of 2) (Secret Wars)
Writer: Al Ewing Artist/Cover Artist: Alan Davis
• Welcome to Battleworld – where, in what’s left of Mondo-City One, Boss Cage is the law!
• When the fascist futuropolis annexes neighboring Yinsen City, who’ll stand up for Ho Yinsen’s dream of universal peace?
• If you liked the Mighty Avengers — you’ll love the Mighty Defenders!
Rated T+
Captain Marvel And Carol Corps #2 (Secret Wars)
Dark Tower Drawing Three House Cards #5 (Mature Readers)
Fantastic Four By Aguirre-Sacasa And Mcniven Trade Paperback
Guardians Of Knowhere #1 (Secret Wars)
Hail Hydra #1 (Secret Wars)
Hawkeye #22
Infinity Gauntlet #1 Weaver Second Printing Variant
Inhumans Attilan Rising #3 (Secret Wars)
Korvac Saga #2 (Secret Wars)
Writer: Dan Abnett Artist/Cover Artist: Otto Schmidt
• As Lord Michael Korvac handles a crucial peace summit with his rival, the Wonder Man Simon Williams, Korvac’s loyal Guardians struggle to find the source of the madness plaguing the kingdom.
• The truth is closer to home than anyone could have realized, and the revelation will shake the kingdom to its foundations.
Rated T+
Marvel’s Ant-Man Art Of Movie Slipcase Hard Cover
Mmw Mighty Thor Hard Cover Volume 14
Moon Knight #17
Writer: Cullen Bunn Artist: Ron Ackins Cover Artist: Declan Shalvey
• Moon Knight must infiltrate the church of the god who empowered him in the first place.
Rated T+
Planet Hulk #1 Del Mundo Second Printing Variant
Planet Hulk #3 (Secret Wars)
Princess Leia #2 Dodson Third Printing Variant
Secret Wars #3 Ross Second Printing Variant
Secret Wars Battleworld #2 Murray Second Printing Variant
Secret Wars Battleworld #3 (Secret Wars)
Siege #1 (Secret Wars)
Writer: Kieron Gillen Artist: Filipe Andrade Cover Artist: W. Scott Forbes
• THE SHIELD is the only thing that protects the more civilized areas of Battleworld from the ZOMBIE HORDES, DEATH MACHINES, AND ANNIHILATION WAVES.
• Anyone who annoys Doom gets sent to The Shield. Anyone who gets sent to the Shield deals with ABIGAIL BRAND.
• Miss America, Lady Katherine, Kang the Conqueror, Leah Shieldmen, the Endless Summers Company, Leonardo Da Vinci and a cast of thousands will fight to the death to keep Battleworld safe. But don’t worry, Kieron Gillen is writing this book, so I’m sure everything will end happily for everyone.
• “Imagine NextWave as a tragedy,” says Kieron, if anyone asks him about it.
Rated T+
Silver Surfer #13 (Secret Wars)
Spider-Man 2099 Trade Paperback Volume 2 Spider-Verse
Writer: Peter David Artist: Will Sliney Cover Artist: Francesco Mattina
Miguel O’Hara is finally back in his home era, 2099! But there’s no time for nostalgia as Spider-Man 2099, Lady Spider and the six-armed Spider-Man are on the run from the ravenous Inheritors! Miguel and Lady Spider bring past and future science to bear, desperate for a clue to help battle Morlun and his family. But can they regroup with the rest of the spiders in time to win the final battle? Then, battered and bloody, Miguel returns to his home dimension to discover that the malicious Maestro has taken charge! Looks like Spidey may have to call in some Strange backup. And Miguel and Peter Parker’s worlds collide once again when Alchemax and Parker Industries are caught in a bidding war! Has Miguel’s time traveling put his friends in imminent danger? Collecting SPIDER-MAN 2099 (2014) #6-12.
Rated T
Star Wars #4 Cassaday Second Printing Variant
Writer: Jason Aaron Artist/Cover Artist: John Cassaday
From Marvel Comics. The greatest space adventure of all time continues! Luke Skywalker is not a Jedi — not yet, at least. He’s only ever met one Jedi in his life … and he died. So, Luke’s quest leads him back to Obi-Wan’s hut … on Tatooine. Rated T.
Thor God Of Thunder Trade Paperback Volume 4 Last Days Of Midgard
Ultimate End #1 Bagley Second Printing Variant
Ultimate End #2 Bagley Second Printing Variant
Where Monsters Dwell #3 (Secret Wars)
Writer: Garth Ennis Artist: Russell Braun Cover Artist: Frank Cho
• Karl Kaufmann, the Phantom Eagle, finds himself prisoner of a tribe of beautiful Amazon warriors.
• His dreams of such a situation always involved less pain and solitude. Live and learn…
Rated T+
Wolverines Trade Paperback Volume 3 Living And The Dead
X-Men Trade Paperback Volume 5 Burning Earth
Years Of Future Past #3 (Secret Wars)
Other Publishers
07 Ghost Graphic Novel Volume 17
Adventure Time Fionna & Cake Card Wars #1 (Variant Covers)
Aliens Vs Zombies #1 (Variant Covers, Mature Readers)
An Entity Observes All Things Graphic Novel (Mature Readers)
Arpeggio Of Blue Steel Graphic Novel Volume 5 (Mature Readers)
Bad Dreams Trade Paperback
Beardo Trade Paperback Volume 4 Self Employee Of The Month
Behind Story Graphic Novel Volume 1 (Mature Readers)
Big Trouble In Little China #13
Bill & Ted Most Triumphant Return #1 (Variant Covers)
Book Of Death #1 (Variant Covers)
Carpe Noctem #3 (Mature Readers)
Case Closed Graphic Novel Volume 55
Chiro Graphic Novel Volume 2 Star Project
Comic Fandom Quarterly #1
Core Scramble Graphic Novel Volume 1 (Mature Readers)
Crossed Badlands #80 (Variant Covers, Mature Readers)
Writer: Kieron Gillen Artist: Rafa Ortiz Cover Artist: Fernando Heinz
The final powerful issue of Kieron Gillen’s Crossed exploration of ancient history comes to a shocking conclusion! The truth of the Homo Tortor is revealed and humanity’s brush with near extinction in the past is explained. But learning from the mistakes of the past may not save the present. A last-ditch effort goes horribly wrong for the hopeful college student who has tracked down one potential explanation for the Crossed outbreak. Knowledge is power, unless you are facing the horrors of the Crossed. Available with Regular, Wraparound, Torture, Megafauna, and Red Crossed Incentive Covers by Fernando Heinz. Art Deco cover by Michael DiPascale.
Crossed Plus 100 #6 (Variant Covers, Mature Readers)
Writer: Alan Moore Artist/Cover Artist: Gabriel Andrade
The final issue of the first story arc comes to a dramatic and powerful conclusion! The truth about the Crossed outbreak and the resurgence of the miserable tribe of maniacs is revealed to Future Taylor. Alan Moore’s incredible story of the inevitable conclusion to the Crossed outbreak will shock and stun you like no other tale. This multi-layered story delivers a new brand of horror to Crossed fans at the hands of the scribe that redefined the comics medium.
All the covers for the series have been planned out by Alan Moore, with the images enriching and expanding on the series. Clues and glimpses of what came before, and what might be, are found throughout the variant covers. Available with Regular, American History X Wraparound, Crossed Culture, Future Tense, as well as Retailer Incentive covers of Red Crossed and Design Sketch. Also, the New World Order Wraparound (Bagged for your safety). Due to all these special protective measures this edition is strictly limited to initial orders. Don’t miss out on the ultra-rare CGC Numbered Edition as well!
Dawn Vampirella #4 Rare Linsner Virgin Edition
Dead Drop #3 (Variant Covers)
Divine Graphic Novel
Divinity Trade Paperback
Writer: Matt Kindt Artist: Trevor Hairsine, Ryan Winn Cover Artist: Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic
From New York Times best-selling writer Matt Kindt (THE VALIANT, Mind MGMT) and blockbuster artist Trevor Hairsine (X-Men: Deadly Genesis) comes a shocking new vision of 21st century science fiction!
At the height of the Cold War, the Soviet Union – determined to win the Space Race at any cost – green lit a dangerously advanced mission. They sent a man farther into the cosmos than anyone has gone before or since. Lost in the stars, he encountered something unknown. Something that… changed him. Long thought lost and erased from the history books, he has suddenly returned, crash-landing in the Australian Outback.
The few that have been able to reach him believe him to be a deity – one who turned the scorched desert into a lush oasis. They say he can bend matter, space, and even time to his will. Now the rest of the world’s powers must decide for themselves – will the enigmatic Divinity offer his hand in friendship, or will Earth’s heroes find themselves helpless against the wrath of the divine?
Collecting DIVINITY #1-4.
Dorfler Hard Cover
Escape From New York #1 Eccc Exc
Fathom Blue #2 (Variant Covers)
Fiction #2
Grimm’s Fairy Tales Alice 10th Anniversary Special #3 (Variant Covers, Mature Readers)
Giant Days #5
Give To The Heart Graphic Novel Volume 4 (Mature Readers)
Gold Digger #223
Gravedigger #1 Main Cvr (Mature Readers)
Intrinsic Graphic Novel Volume 2 Singularity Zero
Jughead & Archie Comics Double Digest #14
Kaijumax #4
King Prince Valiant #3
Writer: Nathan Cosby, Ben McCool Artist: Ron Salas Cover Artist: Declan Shalvey
Steel thyself! For the adventure-craving Valiant flees from a foe that wants to be his friend, adopts a travel companion from a different age, and wields a weapon that may save the entire King universe, or rip it usunder!
King The Phantom #4
Lady Death Lost Souls Deluxe Collection Box Set (Mature Readers)
Lady Death Sacrilege Comp Collection Box Set
Lady Rawhide Lady Zorro #4
Letter 44 #18
Long Walk To Valhalla Orignial Graphic Novel Hard Cover
Love Stage Graphic Novel Volume 2 (Mature Readers)
Lumberjanes #16
Mega Man #51
Mercury Heat #1 (Variant Covers, Mature Readers)
Writer: Kieron Gillen Artist/Cover Artist: Omar Francia
Blasting out of the incredible Free Comic Book Day Mercury Heat Debut comes Kieron Gillen’s World-building space epic! This ongoing monthly is pure Gillen, Mercury Heat introduces the sci-fi world of the future where individuals are identified by genetic markers and personality types to fill roles in society, the troublemakers end up on Mercury. Luiza wanted to help people, she wanted with all her heart to be a police officer. But the automated Grapevine system had other plans for her. There are only a few legal options for someone branded with her neuroprofile. As an adult Luiza’s dream came true – just on Mercury where she enforces laws with extreme prejudice as a bounty agent in a world of hard-as-nails miners and cyborgs. Available with Regular, Wraparound, Art Nouveau, Excessive Force, and a special Designs Incentive Cover by series artist Omar Francia. This first issue also has a Black Leather cover, limited to just 750 copies!
Mercury Heat #1 (Variant Covers, Mature Readers)
Mistry Pi #1
My Neighbor Seki Graphic Novel Volume 3
Nocturnals Black Planet Trade Paperback
Oh Killstrike #3
Phantom Comp Series Hard Cover Charlton Years Volume 04
Poetry Is Useless Hard Cover (Mature Readers)
Rachel Rising #35
Ranma 1/2 2in1 Trade Paperback Volume 9
Reanimator #4
Red Sonja #1973
Rin-Ne Graphic Novel Volume 18
Sidney Hammer One Shot (Mature Readers)
Simpsons Comics #222
Simpsons Comics Colossal Compendium Trade Paperback Volume 3
Sixth Gun Valley Of Death #2
Sleepy Hollow Origins #1 Wondercon Exclusive
Sonic Worlds Unite Battles #1 Regular Cover
Steven Universe Trade Paperback Volume 1
Sweet Blood Graphic Novel Volume 2
Swords Of Sorrow Vampirella Jennifer Blood #3
Tailwands Graphic Novel Volume 2 Kayas Journey Begins
Tarot Witch Of The Black Rose #93 (Mature Readers)
Tiger & Bunny Graphic Novel Volume 7
Wisher Graphic Novel Volume 4 Bowler Hat & Faery Cane
Worlds Greatest First Love Graphic Novel Volume 2 (Mature Readers)
2000 Ad Summer Sci-Fi Special 2015
Comic Shop News #1465
Doctor Who Adventures Magazine #3
Fangoria #342
Judge Dredd Megazine #361
Juxtapoz #175 Aug 2015
Nickelodeon Magazine #2
Star Trek Magazine #54 Newsstand Edition
Star Trek Magazine #54 Px Edition
Star Wars Insider #157 Celebration Dark Side Cover Edition
Star Wars Insider #157 Celebration Light Side Cover Edition
Walking Dead Magazine #13 Newsstand Edition (Mature Readers)
Walking Dead Magazine #13 Px Edition (Mature Readers)
Big Book Of Dc Super Friends Golden Book Hard Cover
Dc Super Heroes Even Super Heroes Sleep Board Book
Dc Super Heroes My First Book Of Super Powers Board Book
Doctor Who Drostens Curse Soft Cover
I Am Lucille Ball Yr Hard Cover
Incredible Herb Trimpe Hard Cover
Terminator Genisys Resetting The Future Hard Cover
Warhammer 40k The Unforgiven Soft Cover
Warhammer 40k Valedor Trade Paperback
List compiled via Diamond Previews, publishers and with the help of First Age Comics, 3 Moor Lane, Lancaster LA1 1QD. Open: Tuesday – Friday 10.00am – 4.30pm, Saturday 10.00am – 5.30pm. Find them on Facebook
• First Age Comics also has a shop site on e-Bay:
• The downthetubes map of British Comic Shops
- About the Author
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The founder of downthetubes, which he established in 1998. John works as a comics and magazine editor, writer, and on promotional work for the Lakes International Comic Art Festival. He is currently editor of Star Trek Explorer, published by Titan – his third tour of duty on the title originally titled Star Trek Magazine.
Working in British comics publishing since the 1980s, his credits include editor of titles such as Doctor Who Magazine, Babylon 5 Magazine, and more. He also edited the comics anthology STRIP Magazine and edited several audio comics for ROK Comics. He has also edited several comic collections, including volumes of “Charley’s War” and “Dan Dare”.
He’s the writer of “Pilgrim: Secrets and Lies” for B7 Comics; “Crucible”, a creator-owned project with 2000AD artist Smuzz; and “Death Duty” and “Skow Dogs” with Dave Hailwood.
Categories: 2000AD, British Comics - Current British Publishers, downthetubes Comics News, downthetubes News, US Comics