Ace artist Dylan Teague has taken over all incoming transmissions this week, with a superb cover for the new Judge Dredd Megazine (Issue 377), art on “Judge Dredd” for 2000AD – and of course his strip for the wonderful digital anthology, David Lloyd‘s Aces Weekly. And I’m definitely not complaining! (Nor about the rest of both great comics, either).
Also not complaining, I hope, is Dave McKean, with Turnaround Distributors nominating the Dark Horse edition of Black Dog – The Dreams of Paul Nash as a “Graphic Novel of the Week“, which the US publisher has released in both a paperback and limited edition hardback. (Tony Esmond reviewed the very limited Lakes International Comic Art Festival version earlier this year).
Paul Nash is regarded as one of the definitive surrealist painters of the Modernist era of English art. His landscape paintings that drew from his experiences whilst fighting in World War One expertly captured the harsh reality of the results of battle and are regarded as some of the definitive images that depicted the conflict. His iconic paintings of aircrafts and battles created during World War Two were equally memorable. 70 years on following his death, Black Dog: The Dreams of Paul Nash was commissioned as part of 14-18 NOW (a five year programme of new cultural works created specifically to the mark the centenary of World War I) and very fittingly, the creator chosen to explore the life of Paul Nash and bring his experiences to life is renowned illustrator Dave McKean.
Running until 5th March 2017, the Tate Britain is currently hosting an exhibition of Paul Nash’s greatest works. If you plan on going, this is a perfect accompaniment and tribute to one of the greatest artists of the past by one of the greatest working today.
UK Newsagents Releases
There are plenty of comics on sale in newsagents that still delight in bringing you such subversive delights, including 2000AD, The Beano, Danger Mouse comic, Commando (latest release intel here), Judge Dredd Megazine, Panini Comics Marvel Collector Editions titles, Titan Comics superhero titles and VIZ, with great strips also featuring in titles such as Doctor Who Magazine, Doctor Who Adventures, Titan’s Doctor Who: Tales from the TARDIS (collecting their strips from the US format titles), Mega, TOXIC and many others.
Don’t forget the wonderful Phoenix Comic is on sale in many (but not all) Waitrose supermarkets and selected high street WH Smiths stores – and some comic shops (stockist list here), as well as available on subscription.
So let’s not get too downhearted by some British publishers lack of faith in full-blown cover to cover comic strip action and humour that only those of us over a certain age remember.
Hachette Partworks, whose partwork titles include Doctor Who: The Complete History and Judge Dredd: The Mega Collection, continue their How To Draw The Marvel Way, along with their re-release of their hugely successful part work, Marvel’s Marvel Ultimate Graphic Novel series.
Note that you may now have to subscribe if you want to continue buying Part Works some are not distributed in newsagents after their first few issues.
Digital Comic Picks
Aces Weekly Volume 24is on sale now! Just £1 a week gets you on board, forever! Jump on board now. This is great original digital comics from great people. More info at
Don’t miss out on all the Previous Volumes, either, which have up to 200 pages of comics including Extras, and in full form feature in an exclusive Week-to-Week facility, which transforms any volume’s serialised stories into continuous comic book-sized narratives.
If you already subscribe to Aces Weekly, then David and the team are count on any help you think you can give them to let everyone know about the comic, and they greatly appreciate anything you can do. Cyberspace publishing benefits reader and creator alike in the way Aces Weekly does it do it, and will always do it, but it needs help to make its way to the target it deserves to reach. Spread the word!
British Comic Publishers
Cover by Mark Harrison. In this issue: Judge Dredd: Get Sin by Rob Williams (Writer), Trevor Hairsine (Pencils), Dylan Teague (i), Annie Parkhouse (Letters); Savage: The Marze Murderer by Pat Mills (Writer), Patrick Goddard (Art), Annie Parkhouse (Letters); Hunted by Gordon Rennie (Writer), PJ Holden (Art), Len O’Grady (Colour), Simon Bowland (Letters); Counterfeit Girl by Peter Milligan (Writer), Rufus Dayglo (Art), Dom Regan (Colour), Ellie De Ville (Letters); Flesh: Gorehead by Pat Mills (Writer), Clint Langley (Art), Ellie De Ville (Letters).
Judge Dredd Megazine 377
Cover by Dylan Teague. In this issue: In this issue: Judge Dredd: Monkey Business by Arthur Wyatt (Writer) Jake Lynch (Art) Richard Elson (Colour) Annie Parkhouse (Letters); Blunt by TC Eglington (Writer) Boo Cook (Art) Simon Bowland (Letters); Angelic: Home is The Hunter by Gordon Rennie (Writer) Lee Carter (Art) Simon Bowland (Letters); Anderson: The Deep End by Alec Worley (Writer) Paul Davidson (Art) Len O’Grady (c) Ellie De Ville (Letters).
Features: interviews with Ulises Farinas, Dan McDaid, Tom Foster. Bagged reprint: Sinister Dexter: Places To Go, People To Do.
Titan Comics
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Volume 2 #14
Writer: Si Spurrier
Artist: Simon Fraser
Cover A: Alex Ronald
Cover B: Will Brooks Photo
Cover C: Simon Myers – Watercolour Variant
The year-long chase is reaching its final straight! Armed with revelations from the Time War, but challenged by resistance within his own ranks, the Doctor faces his most difficult hour yet as he battles to clear his name! Having plunged into the depths of darkness in his quest for the truth, can he re-emerge triumphant?
Mycroft Holmes #3
Writer: Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Raymond Obstfeld
Artist: Joshua Cassara
Cover A: Alex Ronald
Cover B: Claudia Caranfa
Cover C: Arianna Florean
Mycroft hits the USA in search of the Apocalypse Handbook – but an encounter at the New York docks leaves him battered and bruised at the hands of impossible superweapons – and that’s even before he follows the trail out West, where an unexpected face boards his train, with robbery on his mind!
Vikings #2
Writer: Cavan Scott
Artist: Daniel Indro
Cover A – Chris Wahl
Cover B – Photo
Cover C – Caludia Caranfa
Lagertha tries to make sense of the attack on the holy temple of Uppsala, while Floki vows revenge. Ragnar is plagued by his demons, while in the wilderness, a charismatic new leader emerges…
New Graphic Novels on sale in Bookshops
With thanks to Turnaround Distributors
Graphic Novel of the Week: Black Dog: The Dreams of Paul Nash, out now from Dark Horse
Paperback: 9781506701080 £20.99
Limited Edition Hardback: 9781506701097 £66.99
▪ Black River (Fantagraphics, 9781606998335)
▪ Devil Survivor Vol. 8 (Kodansha, 9781632362896)
▪ LDK 7 (Kodansha, 9781632361608)
▪ Neo Parasyte F (Kodansha, 9781632363664)
▪ Nichijou Volume 5 (Vertical, 9781942993346)

• Check out our British and Irish Comic Shops Map | Art by Nick Miller. We’ve got a range of merchandise featuring this art on sale via CafePress
US Comics on sale in Comic Shops
List in part courtesy First Age Comics Lancaster – all the comics below can be ordered through your local comic shop, as can the 2000AD and Titan Comics titles above
Action Comics #966
Action Man Revolution #1
Aliens Defiance #6
All New All Different Avengers #15
Archangel #3 backorder
Batgirl #4
Batman Beyond 1
Bloodshot USA #1
Blue Beetle #2
Captain America Steve Rogers #6
Cave Carson #1 backorder
Civil War II #6
Deadpool #21
Deathstroke #5
Descender #16
Detective Comics #943
Doctor Fate #17
Doctor Strange Mystic Apprentice #1
Doctor Strange Sorcerers Supreme #1
Evil Dead 2 Dark Ones Rising #2
Extraordinary X-Men #15
Flash #9
Future Quest #6
Generation Zero #3
Giant Days 2016 Holiday Special #1
Guardians of the Galaxy #13
Hal Jordan & the Green Lantern Corps #7
Hellblazer #3
Jughead #10
Lumberjanes #31
Mae #6
Marvel Graphic Novel Collection Volume 127: Nova
Marvel Tsum Tsum #3
Marvel Universe Ultimate Spider-Man Sinister Six #4
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #8
Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur #12
My Little Pony Friends Forever #33
New Avengers #17
Ms Marvel #12
Prowler #1
Outcast #22
Punisher Annual #1
Renato Jones One Percent #5
Rick & Morty #19
Rue Morgue Magazine #171
Saga #39
Scooby Doo Team Up #19
Serenity No Power in the Verse #1
Silver Surfer #7
Sixpack & Dogwelder #3
Skybourne #2
Spider-Man Deadpool #10
Star Wars #24
Star Wars Poe Dameron #7
Stray Bullets Sunshine & Roses #19
Suicide Squad #5
Surgeon X #2
Tarzan on the Planet of the Apes #2
Teen Titans #1
Thief of Thieves #36
Titans #3 backorder
Titans #4
TMNT Universe #3
Totally Awesome Hulk #11
Transformers Revolution #1
Ultimates #12
Uncanny X-Men TP vol 1 Revolution
Venom Space Knight #13
Vision #12
Wayward #17
Wonder Woman #9
• First Age Comics, 3 Moor Lane, Lancaster LA1 1QD | Open: Tuesday-Saturday 10am-5.30pm | First Age Comics also has a shop site on e-Bay:
- About the Author
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The founder of downthetubes, which he established in 1998. John works as a comics and magazine editor, writer, and on promotional work for the Lakes International Comic Art Festival. He is currently editor of Star Trek Explorer, published by Titan – his third tour of duty on the title originally titled Star Trek Magazine.
Working in British comics publishing since the 1980s, his credits include editor of titles such as Doctor Who Magazine, Babylon 5 Magazine, and more. He also edited the comics anthology STRIP Magazine and edited several audio comics for ROK Comics. He has also edited several comic collections, including volumes of “Charley’s War” and “Dan Dare”.
He’s the writer of “Pilgrim: Secrets and Lies” for B7 Comics; “Crucible”, a creator-owned project with 2000AD artist Smuzz; and “Death Duty” and “Skow Dogs” with Dave Hailwood.
Categories: 2000AD, British Comics, British Comics - Current British Publishers, Doctor Who, downthetubes Comics News, downthetubes News, US Comics