Dan Dare Audio Adventures Theme by Imran Ahmad Released

Dan Dare Audio Adventures - Promotional poster. Art by Brian Williamson

Dan Dare Audio Adventures – Promotional poster. Art by Brian Williamson

B7 Media has just released its Dan Dare theme tune for the upcoming Dan Dare Audio Adventures, which launch from Big Finish next month, the music the work of British Indian film music composer and musician Imran Ahmad, who’s previously worked with B7 Media on the award-winning The Martian Chronicles.

As we’ve reported previously, the Dan Dare Audio Adventures stars Ed Stoppard (The PianistJoy DivisionBrideshead Revisited and Youth), who has been cast as the intrepid ‘pilot of the future’ Colonel Dan Dare; Geoff McGivern as Digby (McGivern is best known to science fiction fans as the original Ford Prefect in The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy) and Heida Reed as Professor Jocelyn Peabody; Reed currently plays Ross Poldark’s first love, Elizabeth, in the hit BBC drama Poldark.

Imran Ahmad

Imran Ahmad

The writers on the series are Richard Kurti and Bev Doyle (Going PostalThe Martian Chronicles), James Swallow (Star TrekDoctor Who24), Simon Guerrier (Doctor WhoSapphire and Steel), Marc Platt (Doctor WhoOz) and Patrick Chapman (The Martian Chronicles). Series script editor, Colin Brake (BugsEastEnders) has written the season one finale.

The first volume, containing three stories (Voyage to VenusThe Red Moon Mystery and Marooned on Mercury) and a disc of extras is out in December 2016, followed in February 2017 by a second volume containing Reign of the RobotsOperation Saturn and Prisoners of Space along with another bonus disc.

It’s been a delight working on the project so far. I devised the new Dan Dare universe the stories are based on, which has been embellished with gusto by all the writers and script editor Colin Brake, and I’ve been working with Brian Williamson on the promotional art for the project.

Based in London, Imran Ahmad‘s music has been broadcast on UK and international television and commercially released worldwide. His credits include the background music score for the critically acclaimed road-trip zombie movie The Dead and its sequel The Dead 2: India and the 2015 thriller, Never Let Go, recently released on DVD.

The Dan Dare Audio Adventures launched next month, distributed by Big Finish, and the bonus disc included with the Volume One release will feature the “Music of Imran Ahmad”.

“We’ve titled the album New Worlds and it features select music from the various radio and film projects he’s worked on with B7 Media”, series director Andrew Mark Sewell tells us.

Dan Dare Audio Adventures - Red Moon Mystery Poster by Brian Williamson

Dan Dare Audio Adventures – Red Moon Mystery Poster by Brian Williamson

Dan Dare Audio Adventures - Marooned on Mercury Poster

Dan Dare Audio Adventures – Marooned on Mercury Poster by Brian Williamson

Before Quatermass, before the Doctor, one icon of British science fiction shone out beyond the stars. Dan Dare.

But what becomes of the ‘Pilot of the Future’ when the future arrives?

In B7 Media’s dramatic audio reboot, Dan Dare lives again.

Adapted from the original Eagle comic strips – the first ‘Venus’ series onwards – and inspired by the 1951 Radio Luxembourg series, this is a new Dan Dare for our times, serialised in 15-minute episodes, as all good radio space opera should be!

Dan Dare defends the Earth against the Mekon, their battle beginning anew.

Spaceship away!

• Pre-order the new Dan Dare Audio Adventures here on www.bigfinish.com

• For more on the new Dan Dare Audio Adventures visit www.b7media.com | Find the Dan Dare Audio Adventures on Facebook | Follow the Dan Dare Audio Adventures on Twitter: @SpaceshipAway

• Imran Ahmad is online at imranahmadmusic.com | Find Imran on Facebook | Follow Imran Ahmad on Twitter @ImranAhmadMusic

Music of Imran Ahmad – Track List

Dan Dare
Music from Season One

Dan Dare
The Mekon
Voyage to Venus
Spaceship Away
Red Moon Mystery
Ivor Dare
Marooned on Mercury

The Martian Chronicles
Music from the BBC Radio 4 Drama

Searching for Martians
The Dome
Martian Philosophy
Life Goes On

The Boy Aleppo who Painted the War
Music from the BBC Radio 4 Drama

The Road to Damascus
Secret Room

Music from the Motion Picture Soundtrack

My Best Friend
A New Day

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  1. Dan Dare: The Audio Adventures Volume One Box Set Art Revealed | downthetubes.net

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