Memorial – The Great War Centennial Anthology in the works

Art by Timothy Teague for the upcoming Memorial - The Great War Centennial Anthology based on a script from Ferg Handley.

Art by Timothy Teague for the upcoming Memorial – The Great War Centennial Anthology based on a script from Ferg Handley. Art © Timothy Teague


Another anthology comic commemorating the World War One is in the works as the 100th anniversary of the war’s beginning looms.

Like several other projects such as To End All Wars and Indian publisher Campfire’s stunning-looking World War One graphic novel, written by Britain’s Alan Cowsill (out next week in the UK), Memorial – The Great War Centennial Anthology will also commemorate those who fought and fell in the course of the war. All proceeds from the book will be donated to charities that promote peace and tolerance across the globe.

A Facebook group has been set up here to focus the project by co-ordinator James Lynch – if you’re not on Facebook then contact him via to express an interest.

British creators already interested include Jay Eales, Davey Candlish, Christopher Geary, Commando writer Ferg Handley, Selina Lock, Timothy Teague, Tim West and many more.

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Categories: British Comics, Creating Comics, downthetubes Comics News

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