Necessary Monsters storm the airwaves

Necessary MonstersConcluding webcomics month on his Strip! radio show, Alex Fitch catches up with immensely talented comics duo artist Sean Azzopardi and writer Daniel Merlin Goodbrey as the first series of their epic spy-thriller-horror webcomic Necessary Monsters comes to its conclusion after a total of 125 pages serialised over two years.

The series mixes a ‘black ops’ style spy thriller with the tropes of modern horror films and bizarre characters with ultra violence to maximum effect.

Alex talks to Daniel and Sean about the progression of the strip, the various ways it’s been published and their collaborations with another webcomics creator – Douglas Noble – on a zombie western (The Rule of Death) and surrealistic thriller (Sightings of Wallace Sendek) respectively.

• Strip! Necessray Monsters airs at 5.00pm tonight (25/02/10) on Resonance 104.4 FM (London) and is then streamed at / podcast online later

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