New North West Comic Creator Groups Information

Cumbria Comic Collective


With Lancaster Comics Day on its way on Sunday 14th June, Blackpool Comic Con in September and the Lakes International Comic Art Festival in October (to name but three events), here’s information on two groups that may be of interest to aspiring North West comic creators.

The Cumbria Comic Collective is a new group based at Space2Create in Kendal, a collective of people interested in comic art and creating their own group publications.

Fronted by 20-something Lancashire-based indie comic artist, writer and musician, Lloyd (@lloydcomix), creator of Carol Comix, the group, whose member ship includes Francis Zine,  has already hosted several meetings and is actively seeking new members in the North West.

Space2Create was started in 2012, after the Kendal based mental health charity Workbase closed due to financial cuts. Some of the volunteers, staff and trustees felt that a large number of people would be left isolated because of this and so formed Space2Create based around creative activity.

Many of the people involved in running S2C have themselves recovered from or are recovering from serious mental or physical health problems. They have backgrounds in the arts, education and training, mental health and social services.

One thing that they all have in common is a passion for being creative and an awareness of how creative activity has helped them and others, to recover, grow and move forward in their lives.

Also of interest to aspiring North West-based comic creators may be the Lancaster and Morecambe-based Zine and Heard, a collective of zine writers, comic artists, activists and musicians. Their aim is to publish and promote work by feminist punk, riot grrrl, queer and alternative artists from all walks of life.

They would also like to put on all-ages shows and other cool stuff too. “We are currently looking for people to join our wonderful group,” say the team. If you are interested and would like to get involved, email them at or follow their tumblr at

• The Cumbria Comics Collective  (#CumbriaComicCollective) meets on Thursday at Space2Create between 10-12.00, Studio 31 (Unit 31), The Factory, Castle Mills, Aynam Road, Kendal LA9 7DE. More about Space2Create at

• Lloyd’s web site is at | Follow L Comix on Twitter @lloydcomix

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