Rainey launches ‘Thunder Brother; Soap Division"

Some of you might have been wondering what talented comic creator Paul B. Rainey has been up to since finishing his highly-acclaimed There’s No Time Like The Present last year. Well now we know: its successor, Thunder Brother; Soap Division.

I don’t want to tell you too much about it for fear of giving too much away about the opening story,” says Paul, “but I do want to tell you that I will be uploading a page from the strip every Monday and Friday at http://thunderbrother-soapdivision.blogspot.com/.

“Each page is in full colour (yum!) and free to read (double yum!!)!”

Cartoonist, illustrator and Panic Coordinator to Breakfast television since 1992, Paul Rainey is the creator of online hit diary comic strip Book of Lists, a full colour book collection of which is now available. His graphic novel There’s No Time Like The Present will be published during 2012.

Thunder Brother; Soap Division is an all-ages strip,” says Paul, “so feel free to mention it to your children, younger brothers and sisters, parents, neighbours, anybody that you might bump into in the Post Office and that grumpy man who serves behind the counter in your local shop.

“Alternatively, tell your Twitter followers, website visitors and Facebook friends.”

 • Thunder Brother; Soap Division is also on Facebook here

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