WebFinds: Cliff Robinson’s Captain Britain


Regular readers of downthetubes will remember artist Cliff Robinson – one of many great creators on 2000AD down the years. He began his own blog some time ago, and has been posting some fantastic art, including this brilliant ‘faux’ Captain Britain Weekly cover – inspired by CB’s first run in with Captain America back in the 1970s – and a fun ‘Robot Archie’ illustration.

Commission-764057_cliffrobinson.jpgHis blog features the preliminary drawings for the Robot Archie, Judge Anderson and
Modesty Blaise art. “Looking afresh at these drawings and the finished art, I’m beginning to wonder whether I’ve drawn Modesty’s waist just a tad too thin,” he notes.

• Check out his blog at: cliffrobinsoncomicart.blogspot.com

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2 replies

  1. Aw, now THAT sets the nostalgia buzzer ringer. If only the Cpt Britain comics of the ’70s had covers that were so well crafted …

  2. That really is a strikingly daft image. I’d love to see him do a whole book on the topic.

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