Young Cartoonists of the Year Competition launches

Art Competition(via The Young Cartoonists of the Year Competition 2013, which is run by London’s Cartoon Museum and the British Cartoonists Association, has opened – and for the first time, they are accepting artwork that has been created digitally.

Judges for the competition are cartoonists Martin Rowson (who is also chairman of the British Cartoonists Association), Banx, Steve Bell, Peter Brookes, Dave Brown, Andy Davey, Mac, Matt, Nick Newman, Paul Thomas and Oliver Preston, chair of the Cartoon Art Trust.

Winners will be given their prizes at the Cartoon Art Trust Awards on 17th October.

Although the flyer for the event states “original artwork only” (PDF link) the Cartoon Museum has told the Professional Cartoonists Organisation, which runs, that if an artist draws on computer or add colour on computer entries are still acceptable.

However, you have to submit a hard copy entry. You cannot send your entry by email.

“There was much criticism from readers of this blog when last year’s competition was announced, as digitally created artwork was not accepted,” the procartoonists blog notes. “The PCO put this to the organisers, pointing out that it excludes many young people who work entirely digitally.

“Digitally created artwork submitted by post is a fair compromise. We know that when cartoonists submit artwork by email there is always one who shuns the standard 300dpi JPEG format and goes for a TIFF file the size of a house!”

There are two categories in the Young Cartoonists contest: under 18 and under 30. One cartoon, up to A4 in size, can be submitted and it can be colour or black and white.

• Send your hard copy entry to: Young Cartoonists of the Year Competition, Cartoon Museum, 35 Little Russell Street, London WC1A 2HH. The closing date for entries is 30 September. Please note that artwork cannot be returned so do not send originals


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