It’s a real history lesson this week as John Freeman of downthetubes, Crucible, ROK Comics and many more joins Vince Hunt, Dan Butcher and Tony Esmond to talk about all things comics. There’s talk about the latest webcomic site Tapastic and its benefits for comic book creators, John’s own creations over the years and everyone has a reminiscing session about the books they had access to and read when they were kids. If you’re in the mood for some history about the UK comic scene then this is the episode for you. Also there’s some proper talk about the Lakes International Comics Festival, Vince attempts to say the name Alan Moore in the sexiest way possible, Tony tells us whether he is allowed out of the country for New York Comic Con (he was) and Dan reveals he’s been watching more violent 1980s action films.
It’s an episode which is also a time paradox by itself – so get ready for timey wimey nonsense galore!
PLUS don’t miss their competition where you can win goodies signed by Alan Moore himself! Listen now and find out more!
Mentioned in this episode are: John Freeman, downthetubes, Crucible, The Really Heavy Greatcoat, Warworldz: Origins, Dan Barton of Space Command, Tapastic, The Spectators, Victor Hussenot, No Brow Press, Our Supermom, Ellie Moonbeard and the Seekers of Shine, Ellie Moonbeard Trailer, Tikigod Comics, An Android Awakes, Klaxon, Jim Campbell, Aaaaargh! It’s War!, David A. Roach, Lakes International Comic Arts Festival, Lancaster Comics Day, Leamington Comic Con, Nottingham Comic Con, Mark Millar Signing, A Place to Hang Your Cape, Pipedream Comics, Electricomics Challenge, Kill Screen, Bond Meets World, Superbitch, Kennedy Cooke-Garza
• You can listen to the episode right here – or find all the episodes so far by searching for The Awesome Comics Podcast on iTunes or go to
• You can also follow their antics on Facebook at or on Twitter @theawesomepod
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One of many guest posts for downthetubes.
Categories: Audio, Comic Creator Interviews, Creating Comics, downthetubes Comics News, downthetubes News