Coming Soon: Lives of the Great Occultists by Kevin Jackson and Hunt Emerson

Lives of the Great Occultists by Kevin Jackson and Hunt Emerson

Hearing of a new book featuring the work of the excellent Hunt Emerson always brightens my day. That Lives of the Great Occultists, out in September from Knockabout Comics, collecting strip from Fortean Times, is written by his longtime creative partner Kevin Jackson, is simply icing on the cake.

Dr. Dee. Kenneth Anger. Mother Shipton. Madam Blavatsky. Isaac Newton. And yes, David Bowie, too… Since the dawn of humanity, there have been individuals who want to mess around with Hidden Powers – with the Occult.

Some were Mystics, some were Scientists, some were Charlatans. Some were Powerful, some were Wretched. All were pretty bonkers.

Spanning centuries of eccentric, bizarre lives, Kevin Jackson and Hunt Emerson have made over 100 pages of comics dealing with the Lives of the Great Occultists.

Due for release on 17th September 2020, Lives of the Great Occultists features the stories of over 40 Occultists, including Faust, Giordano Bruno, Strindberg, Isobel Gowdie, Kircher, William Blake, PL Travers, WB Yeats, Jack Parsons, and – repeatedly – Aleister Crowley.

The comics are factual, and very funny – and heading your way very soon.

What do you mean, you never saw that coming?

You can pre-order Lives of the Great Occultists at Hunt Emerson’s online shop now

Check out Knockabout online at

Knockabout Comics has published hundreds of titles since its inception in 1975. Creators we are proud to publish include Alan Moore, Gilbert Shelton, Robert Crumb, Melinda Gebbie, Eddie Campbell, Hunt Emerson, Martin Rowson and many more

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