Doctor Who hits San Diego Comic Con – Literally, in Titan Comics Special

Doctor Who Twelfth Doctor SDCC 2015 Special Cover A

Cavan Scott and George Mann are among the creators involved in  a special issue of Titan Comics Twelfth Doctor Doctor Who comic, which will be on sale at San Diego Comic-Con next month.

Drawn by Rachael Stott and coloured by Ivan Nunes, the story sees the Twelfth Doctor and Clara travel to SDCC ‘15 for a break, before discovering that a sinister monster attempting to break through the fabric of reality to consume all life on Earth is hiding in the background of convention goers’ cosplay pictures.

Can they find the evil Lady of Neverness before she destroys the world? Can they get lost in the queues of Hall H for hours at a time trying to get into a panel? You’ll have to find out yourself.

Doctor Who Twelfth Doctor SDCC 2015 Special Cover B

The comic, which includes a sneak preview of Titan’s upcoming multi-Doctors Four Doctors title, will come with two variant covers drawn by Alice X. Zhang featuring either The Doctor or Clara.

SDCC will also see the release of the regular Doctor Who books with exclusive covers featuring each Doctor against the London skyline: and some fun new Doctor Who toys from Titan Merchandise – a 3″ Tenth Doctor wearing the Eleventh Doctor’s fez; and a 4.5″ Tenth Doctor all dressed up in his tuxedo!​

Doctor Who SDCC Triptych Exclusive Covers

Talking of Cavan Scott, he’s dropped us a line to tell us about his writer’s commentary for Ninth Doctor #1 over on the Comics Alliance web site, offering insights into that ace- looking project.

Comics Alliance Doctor Who Ninth Doctor #1 commentary by Cavan Scott

Categories: British Comics, Doctor Who, downthetubes Comics News, Television

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  1. Cavan Scott, George Mann and Rachel Stott face Doctor Who “Panel to Panel” Mind Probe |

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