Hammer Horror homaged in new comic, Cushing & Sons

Cushing & SonsThe team behind the fab indie action-adventure title Paragon have just launched a free e-comic inspired by the Hammer Horror films and the work of one of its key actors – Peter Cushing.

Written by Mark Howard (aka the Legendary Shark) – the pen behind the brilliantly epic Flesh tale in the 2000AD ‘zine Zarjaz recently – and illustrated by Davey Candish (with cover colours by Jim Cameron and lettered by John Caliber) Cushing & Sons is inspired by the team’s love for the old Hammer Horror films of their youth.

“I decided to build my own fantasy world based on a fusion of the Hammer films and the actors who so gloriously made them what they were,” explains Mark. “When I realised that there was a legitimate chronological gap between the films The Legend of the Seven Golden Vampires and Dracula: AD 1972 which just cried out to be filled, my massive ego told me that I was just the writer to fill it.

“And so I stole the Van Helsing character and changed his surname to Cushing in honour of the Man Himself, set my sights on the early 20th Century to cash in on that whole Indiana Jones vibe and then just let rip.

“When I saw the script I decided to try for a Paul Grist vibe to the art,” says Davey. “And who wouldn’t want to read an adventure story of hunting were-lions in Africa?

“We already have Book Two planned, so there will be more adventures for Cushing & Sons – monster hunters!”

A page from Cusing & Sons Issue One

A page from Cushing & Sons Issue One

This 32 page comic has been designed to be read on an e-reader but as it is a pdf, it can be read on any machine or tablet capable of downloading it.

What? You still don’t like digital comics? Well, good news – it’s also available as an A5 printed version – squarebound, like a Commando comic – for £2 +p&p – visit   http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/PARAGONcomic

• Download the e-edtion of Cushing & Sons at: www.lulu.com/shop/dave-candlish/cushing-sons-ebook/ebook/pro…

What do you think of the comic? Let Davey know on the downthetubes forum here

Categories: Digital Comics, Other Worlds

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