Writer and Creator: Dave Lumsden
Art: Mark Weallans
Additional Artwork: Tammy Le Vasan and Andrei Staruiala
Lettering and Cover: Andrei Staruiala
Recommended for mature readers
The Book: The Boat is set in a post-apocalyptic world where the ice caps have melted and society is breaking down. The safety net of technology is all but a distant memory and people are left to survive by the strength of their arm and their wits. In this volume, the story is stripped down to a father and son having to survive in an environment that neither expected, but both must try to survive.
The Review: This truly is a stark story. The black and white bleakness of Mark Weallans’ art just helps to pull you in deeper until you have nowhere to swim to but the end of the story. I was gripped from page 1 and I am so glad that Dave Lumsden sent me Volume Two for review at the same time or there would have been a couple of snotty emails asking where the second volume was!
This is one of the few times where I am disappointed that I am not a professional critic so that I can praise this tale using the terms that would sell this to you the discerning reader. This really is that well written a story.
Many will compare this comic to the film The Road and while I can see the influences (and the film makers have acknowledged them), for me, it is not the strongest influence on the look or the narrative of this tale. I was engrossed with this tale from cover to cover and while many will see some of the plot twists, I recommend keeping an open mind until the last page is turned.
• Hard copies of The Boat Vilume One are currently available at the Edinburgh branches of Forbidden Planet and Blackwell Books
• E-copies can either be ordered through Comixology here, through Kindle here or directly from David Lumsden’s site here
And a trailer of the film short The Boat can be viewed here on the film’s official web site
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A life-long comic fan, specialising mainly in UK adventure comics, Colin did his very best to support his passion for the comics of his youth, Commandos (still going!) and any small press that interested him. Sadly, Colin passed in March 2021, an invaluable downthetubes team member, much missed by us all
Categories: British Comics