Orbital in Conversation: Mark Millar Chats About his Career and Promoting New Creators

Orbital in Conversation Episode 160: Mark MillarThe podcast of Orbital Comics in central London features a chat with writer Mark Millar about his latest Millarworld project, Huck and he and Chris Thompson discuss Mark’s early work on fanzines, how Grant Morrison and Alan Grant helped him develop his career, and what he’s doing to pay it forward to other budding creators. You can listen to it right here on the Orbital in Conversation site.

Orbital in Conversation is being released twice a week for the next month. Recent British comics creator coverage includes their review of Thought Bubble Festival 2015 and an interview with artist Alan Davis, recorded at the NICE convention.

• To get in touch, send feedback or submit projects for consideration to Orbital in Conversation, please email chris@orbitalcomics.com. And if you missed last week’s episode (or any others) you can find them right here or subscribe via iTunes

Chris Thompson’s Twitter: @popculturehound
Chris Thompson’s website: popculturehound.com

Orbital Comics’ Twitter: @orbitalcomics
Orbital Comics’ website: www.orbitalcomics.com

Mark Millar’s Twitter: @mrmarkmillar
Mark Millar’s website: www.millarworld.tv

Categories: Audio, Creating Comics, downthetubes Comics News, downthetubes News, Other Worlds

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