Panel Borders: Habibi Blankets and Children’s Books

Habibi by Craig Thompson

Here’s some information on both upcoming and recent Panel Borders radio shows, broadcast on Resonabce FM and online.

Concluding the show’s month of looking at biography and autobiography in comics, Alex Fitch talks to the multiple award winning (and Grammy nominated) cartoonist Craig Thompson about his epic new graphic novel Habibi (My beloved). 

Alex and Craig discuss the 672 page book’s reworking of themes from One Thousand and One Nights, mixing in modern concerns about gender politics and pollution in the Middle East and how his previous autobiographical works Blankets and Carnet de Voyage, with their themes of sexual awakening, religion and travelogue, led to his latest work.

 Panel Borders: Habibi Blankets airs at 8.00pm on Sunday 29th January on Resonance 104.4 FM (London) / streamed at / podcast after boradcast at

In an hour long show about children’s book illustration, Alex Fitch talks to three generations of illustrators: David McKee, creator of Mr BennKing Rollo and Elmer the Patchwork ElephantDave McKean, artist of of young adult books by David Almond, graphic novels and picture books by Neil Gaiman and Richard Dawkins’ first science book for children The Magic of Reality; and Jim Kay, illustrator of Patrick Ness’ A Monster Calls and Toby Forward’s Flaxfield Quartet of novels about dragons.

The show also includes an extract from Dave McKean’s presentation of his work from The Magic of Reality at the book launch in Foyles, September 2011.

Book List: Children’s book illustration airs at 8.00pm on Tuesday 31st January on Resonance 104.4 FM (London) / streamed at / podcast after boradcast at

Recent podcasts include Dotter of Her Father’s Eyes in which guest presenter Nicola Streeten interviews Bryan and Mary Talbot about their forthcoming graphic novel, which contrasts two coming of age narratives: Lucia, daughter of James Joyce, and author Mary Talbot, daughter of the Joycean scholar James S Atherton. 

Dotter of Her Father’s Eyes is at

Categories: Audio, Comic Creator Interviews, downthetubes News

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