Here’s this week’s list of comics – both US and UK releases – on sale in specialist UK comic shops tomorrow, Wednesday 21st January 2015. We’ve picked out the titles published by British publishers in bold below, or titles with a British connection we’re aware of, including cover artists.
One item that may well be worth tracking down is Bleeding Cool Magazine #14, which includes a new interview with Alan Moore about his work on the Avatar Press title Crossed Plus 100. Regular readers will know that Alan rarely discusses comics these days, so you may well be interested in his insights into why he heeded the siren song of the Crossed universe and created the +100 storyline, from its forward-thinking scope to what horrors still lie in store for struggling humanity.
Alongside 2000AD (and we’ll be bringing you a tie-in interview with writer Arthur Wyatt by Matt Badham here to tie in with that on Wednesday). Titan Comics have two new Madefire Comics tie-ins out this week, as well as the latest issue of 13 Coins with art from Simon Bisley. Plus, don’t miss the latest issues of the Eleventh and Twelfth Doctor’s Doctor Who comics, the latter featuring a great cover by Brian Williamson.
Don’t forget that despite many British publishers lack of faith in full-blown cover to cover comic strip action and humour, there are still comics on sale in newsagents that still delight in bringing you such subversive delights, including The Beano and Commando, with great strips featuring in titles such as Judge Dredd Megazine, Doctor Who Magazine, Doctor Who Adventures, TOXIC, VIZ and many more.
British Publishers
2000AD Prog 1914
Cover by Alex Ronald
Judge Dredd: Dark Justice by John Wagner (w). Greg Staples
Things look pretty bleak for the voyagers on board the luxury deep-space liner, The Mayflower, as it appears they have some pretty unpleasant stowaways on board…
Ulysses Sweet, Maniac for Hire: Psycho Therapist by Guy Adams (w). Paul Marshall
The far future. Of all the lunatics that operate out of mercenary world Solonik-5, none have a body-count that can compare with Ulysses Sweet, Maniac for Hire. A card-carrying psychopath who will wipe out entire planets at your request, his rep is such that he’s under strict curfew and has had a psyche chip implanted in his head to limit his behaviour. Unfortunately, he burnt the last chip out, and now wants it back…
Orlok, Agent of East-Meg One: Eurozoned by Arthur Wyatt and Jake
East-Meg One, 2100 AD. Four years before he will set in motion the events of “Block Mania”, and become a notorious enemy of Mega-City One’s Justice Department, ORLOK is a ruthless agent and assassin of the East-Meg Diktatorat. Skilled in stealth, sabotage and subterfuge, he’s a lethal weapon sent on the most dangerous missions – but can he be truly trusted? Now,he’s gone AWOL, after murdering his partner…
The Order Part Three by Kek-W & John M. Burns
Germany, the thirteenth century. Young Anna Kohl always felt her father was a mystery to her, a distant figure that seemed to be part of a select group of knights. Upon his death, she was determined to learn more about the man, and set off to discover the truth behind the cadre of warriors known as THE ORDER. Now, she has discovered that they are a trio of old men and a robotic knight, who have sworn to stop the Wurns…
Savage: Grinders by Pat Mills and Patrick Goddard
In 1999, Britain was invaded by the Volgans. When lorry driver BILL SAVAGE learned his family had been killed by a Volgan shell, he began a one-man war against the aggressors. Now, in 2010, Savage has lead the resistance, while waiting to victory, with the Volgans surrendering after the US lent their support — in the shape of Howard Quartz’s, Raptor drones and Hammerstein Mark II war-droids. But other parties are at work that will threaten this peace…
Titan Comics
13 Coins #4 (Mature Readers)
Writer: Martin Brennan, Michael B. Jackson (Artist/Cover Artist) Simon Bisley
From Eisner Award-winning artist Simon Bisley comes a new series that finds Heaven and Hell at war in an angelic battle over the fate of Mankind. Growing skeptical of his newfound mentors, John Pozner, Earth’s reluctant savior against the forces of darkness and light, decides to hit the streets and face his destiny alone. But with evil’s stranglehold on congress tightening and his training far from finished, will John be prepared to face the holy war that’s on the horizon?
Captain Stone #2
Writer: Liam Sharp, Christina McCormack Artist/Cover Artist: Liam Sharp
Charlie’s life has just taken an unexpected turn – she’s learned that she’s Captain Stone’s half-sister. What other bombshells does the Captain’s mother, Ada, have in store?
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #7
Writer: Rob Williams Artist: Simon Fraser Cover Artist: Verity Glass (Variant Covers available)
The day after tomorrow – and the Vrezian Confederacy and the J’arrodic Federation have brought their ‘honorable’ air-war to Earth. They’re not here to invade, and they’re being exceptionally considerate about collateral damage, all things considered. But human air travel is at a standstill, our culture is collapsing, the skies are clogged with toxic smog. And UNIT can’t do a thing, as the aliens vaporize the weapons stockpile of any country that dares interfere! The deadlock needs a peaceful and clever solution – let’s hope the Doctor is up to the job! And in the middle of it all, Alice is given a shocking offer she dare not refuse!
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor#4
Writer: Robbie Morrison Artist: Dave Taylor Cover Artist: Brian Williamson
Four-armed is forewarned! Past, present and future collide, as the Doctor, Clara and their Indian allies struggle to unravel a mystery that has been millennia in the planning! What secrets are hidden by the Scindia family, a dynasty whose powerful roots trace back over a thousand years? What strange genetic modifications fuel the death cult of the Thuggee? And how does a humble Mumbai pickpocket figure into these world-changing events? As each Thuggee sacrifice comes closer to waking the ancient Kali from her slumber, can the Doctor uncover the truth before her resurrection spells doom for India, Earth, and the galaxy?
Mono #2
Writer: Liam Sharp Artist: Ben Wolstenholme Cover Artist: Ben Wolstenholme, Bill Sienkiewicz
Mono is closing in on his target but must first viciously fight his way through a surprise German attack, even if he survives can Mono overcome the formidable keeper of “The Old Curiosity Shop”?
US Publishers
Dark Horse Comics
- 1 For $1 Elfquest
- Abe Sapien Trade Paperback Volume 5 Sacred Places
- BPRD Hell On Earth #127
- BPRD Plague Of Frogs Trade Paperback Volume 2
- Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 10 #11
- Dark Horse Presents 2014 #6
- Dream Thief Trade Paperback Volume 2 Escape
- Ghost Trade Paperback Volume 3 Against Wilderness (Mature Readers)
- Groo Friends And Foes #1
- King Conan Trade Paperback Volume 4 Conqueror
- Legend Of Korra Art Animated Series- Hard Cover Book 03 Change
- Michael Avon Oeming’s Victories Trade Paperback Volume 4 – Meta Human
- Robert E Howard’s Savage Sword Trade Paperback Volume 2
- Strain Night Eternal #5 (Mature Readers)
DC Comics
- Aquaman and The Others Trade Paperback Volume 1 – Legacy Of Gold (N52)
- Batman And Robin #38
- Batman Eternal #42
- Batman Superman #18
- Batwoman #38
- Beware The Batman Trade Paperback Volume 1
- Birds Of Prey Trade Paperback Volume 5 – Soul Crisis (N52)
- Earth 2 Worlds End #16
- Ex Machina Trade Paperback Book 04 (Mature Readers)
Fables #148 (Mature Readers)
Writer: Bill Willingham Artist: Mark Buckingham & Various Cover Artist: Nimit Malavia
At long last Rose Red learns the truth about her mother, her sister and herself. This is why they’re so magical. This is why all of that wild magic is affecting their lives now. And this is why one will ultimately have to kill the other. Apparently that’s what siblings in this family do. Plus: Terry Moore illustrates the backup feature, “The Last Story of Beauty and the Beast.”
- Green Lantern New Guardians #38
Infinite Crisis Fight For The Multiverse #7
Writer: Dan Abnett Artist: Christian Duce & Various Cover Artist: Philip Tan
Three new Multiverse heroes struggle to defend the world of Nil from a siege by an army of Nightmare Metallos. Batman and his first team arrive, but it may be too late for Dr. Fate, Power Girl and Green Arrow. And where is Nix Uotan, last of the Monitors?
- JLA Trade Paperback Volume 6
- Justice League #38
- Kitchen #3 (Mature Readers)
- New 52 Futures End #38 (Weekly)
- North 40 Trade Paperback New Edition (Mature Readers)
- Red Hood And The Outlaws #38
- Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #6
- Supergirl #38
- Teen Titans #6
- Trinity Of Sin #4
- Wonder Woman #38
IDW Publishing
- Batman Silver Age Newspaper Comics Hard Cover Volume 2 1968-1969
- Bigger Bang #3
- Black Dynamite Trade Paperback
- Borderlands Fall Of Fyrestone #6 Tannis & The Vault Part 2
- Borderlands Trade Paperback Volume 2 Fall Of Fyrestone
- Cartoon Network Super Secret Crisis War Trade Paperback Volume 1
- Creeple Peeple #1
- Dungeons & Dragons: Legend Of Drizzt Trade Paperback Volume 1 – Homeland
- Dungeons & Dragons: Legends Of Baldurs Gate #4
- Galaxy Quest Journey Continues #1
- Genius Collected Alex Toth Slipcase Set Hard Cover
- GI Joe Snake Eyes Agent Of Cobra #1
- Imaginary Drugs Trade Paperback
- Indestructible #10
- Judas The Last Days Trade Paperback
Judge Dredd Classics Dark Judges #1
Writer: Alan Grant, John Wagner Artist: Brian Bolland Cover Artist: Darick Robertson
His name is Judge Death and in his eyes all life is crime! Together with his brothers Fear, Fire, and Mortis, the super-fiend from Deadworld is determined to end all life in Mega-City One once and for all! This compilation features classic Judge Death tales from the pages of 2000 AD, including his stunning debut story by co-creators John Wagner and Brian Bolland.
- Millennium #1
- October Faction #4
- Popeye Classics Hard Cover Volume 5
- Popeye Classics Ongoing #30
- Samurai Jack #16
- Star Trek Planet Of The Apes #2
- TMNT Color Classics Series 3 #1
- TMNT New Animated Adventures #19
- TMNT Ongoing #42
- Transformers #37 Days Of Deception
- Transformers Punishment (One Shot)
- Wild Blue Yonder #6
- Will Eisner Spirit Artist Edition Hard Cover Volume 2
- Winterworld #6
- Zombies Vs Robots #1
- Zombies Vs Robots Hundred Penny Press Edition
Image Comics
- Activity Trade Paperback Volume 3
- Autumnlands Tooth & Claw #3
- Drifter #3 (Mature Readers)
- Goners #4
- Hack Slash Son Of Samhain Trade Paperback Volume 1 (Mature Readers)
- Intersect #3 (Mature Readers)
- Invincible #116
- Penny Dora & The Wishing Box #3
- Reyn #1
- Rise O/T Magi #5
- Rumble #2 (Mature Readers)
- Spread #5 (Mature Readers)
Wicked & Divine #7 (Mature Readers)
Writer: Kieron Gillen Artist/Cover Artist: Jamie McKelvie
Last year, before The Recurrence, fans gathered from their distant worlds at RAGNAROCK to wonder whether the gods were really about to return or not. Now, as the next RAGNAROCK approaches, everyone knows things are different. What’s more, there are two gods still to emerge. Will anyone there get “lucky?” Look at us whistle, shuffle feet, and avoid eye contact.
Marvel Comics
All New X-Factor #20
Writer: Peter David Artist: Carmine DiGiandomenico, Will Sliney Cover Artist: Jared K. Fletcher, Kris Anka
• At last – the revelation behind the secret of Harrison Snow. Guest starring: Spider-Man 2099.
• Final issue!
Rated T+
- All New X-Men #35
- Amazing Spider-Man #13 Sv
- Avengers Revelations Trade Paperback
- Black Widow #14
- Black Widow Trade Paperback Volume 2 – Tightly Tangled Web
- Bucky Barnes Winter Soldier #4
Captain America And Mighty Avengers #4
Writer: Al Ewing Artist: Luke Ross, Iban Soria Cover Artist: Luke Ross
• In the aftermath of AXIS — who will lead the Mighty Avengers? What will Captain America’s role be? And can Luke’s marriage survive?
• Meanwhile, Power Man and White Tiger hit the streets — to solve the brutal murder…
• …of Gideon Mace?
Rated T+
- Deadpool’s Art Of War #4
- Elektra #10
Fantastic Four #642
Writer: James Robinson Artist/Cover Artist: Leonard Kirk
• THE INVADERS meet the FANTASTIC FOUR as the hunt for REED RICHARDS and the missing kids of the FUTURE FOUNDATION continues.
• Meanwhile the mastermind behind everything unveils his ultimate plan.
• But how does FRANKLIN RICHARDS factor in?
Rated T+
- Guardians Of Galaxy #23
- Iron Man Epic Collection Trade Paperback Stark Wars
- Legendary Star Lord #8
- Legendary Star-Lord Trade Paperback Volume 1 – Face It I Rule
Loki Agent Of Asgard #10
Writer: Al Ewing Artis/Cover Artist: Lee Garbett
• In the aftermath of AXIS, Loki is the Hero Of Asgard no more. But one change remains:
• The God of Lies can only ever tell the truth.
• Now, Loki’s brother, the Odinson, visits his apartment, to talk of cabbages, kings… and Kid Loki.
• This is it.
Rated T+
- Magneto #14
- Magneto Trade Paperback Volume 2 – Reversals
Marvel Master Works Uncanny X-Men Hard Cover Volume 9
Writer: Chris Claremont Artist: Various Cover Artist: Paul Smith
The Uncanny X-Men had become the biggest franchise in comic books by 1982. Chris Claremont’s writing rose to find perhaps his most poignant and challenging expression of the mutant metaphor in “God Loves, Man Kills,” while his work with Frank Miller on WOLVERINE skyrocketed the character’s popularity. With culmination of Paul Smith’s classic run-featuring the growing romance between Kitty Pryde and Colossus, the first appearance of Callisto and the Morlocks, Rogue’s debut as an X-Man, and the wedding of Cyclops and Madelyne Pryor-this Marvel Masterworks is nothing short of a marathon of mutant milestones! Collecting UNCANNY X-MEN (1981) #168-175, UNCANNY X-MEN ANNUAL (1970) #7, MARVEL GRAPHIC NOVEL #5 and WOLVERINE (1982) #1-4.
Rated T
Moon Knight #11
Writer: Brian Wood Artist: Greg Smallwood Cover Artist: Declan Shalvey
• Mr. Knight finds himself in the custody of the NYPD and things do not go well for anyone!
Rated T
- Original Sin Companion Hard Cover
- Powers #1 (Mature Readers)
- Rocket Raccoon #7
- Scarlet Spiders #3 (Spider-Verse)
- Spider-Verse Team Up #3
- Spider-Woman #3 (Spider-Verse)
- Superior Iron Man #4
- Ultimate Spider-Man Ultimate Collection Trade Paperback Book 5
- Wolverines #3
X-Force Trade Paperback Volume 2 – Hide Fear
Writer: Simon Spurrier & Various Artist: Various Cover Artist: Rock-He Kim
The members of X-Force barely survived superhuman arms dealer Volga – and with their secrets brought to light, they’re barely surviving each other. How will Cable’s team keep it together to carry out their mission? Will Domino’s return help or hurt them? While pursuing the foe who killed one of their own, X-Force runs afoul of the UK’s superhuman operatives: Pete Wisdom and MI13! Can X-Force out-spy the best spy there is? As the two factions come to blows, a third player secretly threatens to wipe them all off the board! X-Force targets ForgetMeNot, a mutant who may hold the key to defeating their greatest adversary. But can they convince him to join their cause? And how can they find a mutant who slips out of memory whenever he leaves their sight? Collecting X-FORCE (2014) #7-10 and X-MEN: LEGACY (2008) #300.
Parental Advisory
Comics & Graphic Novels
- Adventure Time Candy Capers Mathematical Ed Hard Cover
- Adventure Time Enchiridion Edition Hard Cover Volume 3
- Akame Ga Kill Graphic Novel Volume 1
- Amazing World Of Gumball #7
- Arpeggio Of Blue Steel Graphic Novel Volume 3 (Mature Readers)
- Black Butler Trade Paperback Volume 19
- Burning Fields #1 (Mature Readers)
- Charmed Season 10 #4 (Mature Readers)
- Crossed Badlands #70 (Mature Readers)
Crossed Plus 100 #2 (Mature Readers)
Writer: Alan Moore Artist/Cover Artist: Gabriel Andrade (Variant Covers)
Alan Moore places his unique stamp upon the Crossed universe, as he and artist Gabriel Andrade paint a vivid picture of the future 100 years after the outbreak! Future Taylor leads a salvage team that is exploring the ruins of Tennessee. She tries to piece together the past, while they gather supplies for the future. Together with the settlement of Chooga, they take the tentative steps of a new generation as they attempt to understand the horror that nearly wiped out the human race. But disturbing threads emerge, some sightings of Crossed occur, and a century-old mystery begins to be revealed. This multi-layered story delivers a new brand of horror to Crossed fans at the hands of the scribe that redefined the comics medium. Enter Alan Moore’s world of grueling survival with Crossed +100.
This masterwork is a self-contained whole new world, no prior knowledge of the Crossed series is needed.
All the covers for the series have been planned out by Alan Moore, with the images enriching and expanding on the series. Clues and glimpses of what came before, and what might be, are found throughout the variant covers.
American History X Wraparound – Each of these will depict a specific time in the past hundred years, showing how things have changed and offering a peek at some key events. Each cover will display the year in which it takes place to help build the full picture.
Crossed Culture – These are all images of how the Crossed have changed the way they live. With few humans left to hunt, and the animal kingdom thriving with predators, even the thrill-driven Crossed have had to make adjustments to their lifestyle.
Future Tense – Each cover is a homage to a famous work of science fiction, and each of those original works ties into themes of this series.
New World Order Wraparound – These are not for the faint of heart or delicate of constitution. We can’t even picture them in this catalog, they are visions of what an ideal all-Crossed world would be. If the madmen have their dreams come true, what would the everyday life look like? These covers are brutally intense images of true horror and may have scenes of torture, depravity, and nudity. These are clearly for adults only. Each copy of this edition will ship in a sealed polybag with a protective slip cover over the actual image to assure it can be racked in stores. The graphic pictured here is the slip cover only. Due to all these special protective measures this edition is strictly limited to initial orders.
Also available with Retailer Incentive covers of Red Crossed and Design Sketch, showing the original works of series artist Gabriel Andrade. Don’t miss out on the ultra-rare CGC Numbered Edition as well.
- Dark Gods #3 (Mature Readers)
- Dead Letters #7
- Deep State #1 (3rd Printing)
- Deep State #2 (2nd Printing)
Doc Savage Archives Hard Cover Volume 1 Curtis Mag Era (Mature Readers)
Writer: Doug Moench Artist: John Buscema & Various Cover Artist: Ken Barr
The Man of Bronze is back with a vengeance! In this brand new archival edition, the harrowing adventures of Doc Savage return straight from the 1970’s-fully remastered and ready for action. With art done by John Buscema, Tony DeZuniga, and Ernie Chan to accompany writer Doug Moench, this book is a must have for any and all fans of Doc Savage and his Amazing Five. Revisit the classic Curtis magazine issues 1 through 8 and relive the glory days of the Man of Bronze.
- Epochalypse #3
Fatherland Family History Graphic Novel
Writer and Artist: Nina Bunjevac
This powerful, disturbing story, which makes for uneasy reading, was released by Random House last year in the UK
A bomb, an explosion, and the death of a father form the core of this gripping graphic memoir.
Standing alongside Marjane Satrapi’s Persepolis and Joe Sacco’s Palestine, Nina Bunjevac’s Fatherland is a searing work of graphic nonfiction that tells the history of the Balkans in the twentieth century through the experiences of the author.
In 1975, Bunjevac’s mother flees her marriage and adopted country of Canada, taking Nina – then only a toddler – and her older sister back to Yugoslavia to live with her parents. Nina’s father, Peter, was a diehard Serbian nationalist who had been forced to leave his country in the 1950s. Remaining in Canada, Peter became involved with a terrorist organization bent on overthrowing the Communist Yugoslav government and attacking its supporters in North America.
Through exquisitely haunting black-and white art, Fatherland tells an unforgettable true story of how the scars of history are borne by family and nation alike.
- First Year Healthy Hard Cover
- Geronimo Stilton Hard Cover Vol 15 Stilton For All
- Grimm’s Fairy Tales Realm War #6 (Mature Readers)
- Grimm’s Fairy Tales Wonderland Trade Paperback Volume 5
- God Is Dead #27 (Mature Readers)
- Goong Graphic Novel Volume 17 Royal Palace
- Hellraiser Bestiary #6 (Mature Readers)
- Henchmen I Henchbot #1
- Holy F*Ck #1 (Mature Readers)
- I’m Not Popular Graphic Novel Volume 6
- Inu X Boku SS Trade Paperback Volume 6
- Kingdom Hearts 358 / 2 Days Graphic Novel Volume 5
- Knights Of The Dinner Table #216
- Lumberjanes #10
- Magical Girl Apocalypse Graphic Novel Volume 2 (Mature Readers)
- March Graphic Novel Book 02
- Melancholy Of Suzumiya Haruhi Chan Graphic Novel Volume 9
- Missions Of Love Graphic Novel Volume 10
- Monster Trade Paperback Volume 3 Perfect Ed Urasawa
- My Little Monster Graphic Novel Volume 6
- Noragami Stray God Graphic Novel Volume 3
- The Phantom Complete Dailies Hard Cover Volume 7 1946-1947
- Red Sonja #14
- Red Sonja: Black Tower #4
- Red Sonja: Vultures Circle #1
- Resident Evil Marhawa Desire Graphic Novel Volume 2 (Mature Readers)
- Rocket Salvage #2
- Run Like Crazy Run Like Hell Hard Cover
- Secret Graphic Novel Volume 1
- Shadow Master Series Trade Paperback Volume 3
- Shadow Now Trade Paperback
- Simpsons Comics #217
- Simpsons Comics Clubhouse Gn
- Sonic The Hedgehog #268
- Sons Of Anarchy #17 (Mature Readers)
- Sons Of Anarchy Trade Paperback Volume 2 (Mature Readers)
- Steampunk Goldilocks One Shot
- Sword Art Online Progressive Graphic Novel Volume 1
- Terra Formars Graphic Novel Volume 4 (Mature Readers)
- The Shadow Special 2014
- The Valiant #1 2nd Ptg
- The Valiant #2 Cvr A Rivera
- Twilight Zone S&S #1
- Ubel Blatt Graphic Novel Volume 1 (Mature Readers)
Uber #21 (Mature Readers)
Writer: Kieron Gillen Artist/Cover Artist: Canaan White
The Allies are in a desperate race to counter the destructive onslaught of the German Uber battleships. With three potential Uber candidates in the USA the military makes moves to develop their own super soldiers. But will prejudicial decisions about which candidates will be fully activated doom the fledgling program before it gets off the ground? Kieron Gillen and Caanan White have captivated the comics community with the horrors of super human warfare in World War II. Available with Regular, Wraparound, War Crimes, and Blitzkrieg covers by Caanan White and a Propaganda Poster cover by Michael DiPascale.
- Umineko When They Cry Graphic Novel Ep 4 #3 Alliance O/T Golden Witch
- Until Death Do Us Part Graphic Novel Volume 8
- Vampirella Feary Tales #4 Cvr A Anacleto Main
- Woods #1 C2E2 Exclusive
- Zero’s Familiar Chevalier Graphic Novel Volume 4 (Mature Readers)
- Zombie Tramp Ongoing #6 (Mature Readers)
Bleeding Cool Magazine #14 (Mature Readers)
Writer: Rich Johnston
Get ready for a Crossed fest this issue with an exclusive interview with comics legend Alan Moore giving his insights into why he heeded the siren song of the Crossed universe and created the +100 storyline, from its forward-thinking scope to what horrors still lie in store for struggling humanity! Rich Johnston takes us inside the world of apocalypse-based comics from the medium’s earliest days to the present, and we take a look at what’s coming up from major publishers in the realm of action-packed survival stories across genres. You’ll also get your hottest tips on collecting the comics that are an investment goldmine, as well as vintage books and our handy Price Guide. Delivering over 100 pages per issue on a bi-monthly release schedule, each issue of Bleeding Cool Magazine is packed with content only to be found in our print edition.
- Color Ink Diy Art Periodical Vol 22
- Comic Shop News #1440
- DC Batman Auto Figure Magazine #48 Detective #597
- DC Batman Auto Figure Magazine #49 Classic Tv Batcopter
- DC Superhero Chess Figure Collection Magazine #73 Vibe White Pawn
- DC Superhero Chess Figure Collection Magazine #74 Arcane Black Pawn
- Marvel Chess Figures Collection Magazine #21 Wasp White Pawn
- Marvel Chess Figures Collection Magazine #22 Viper Black Queen
- Marvel Chess Figures Collection Magazine #23 Vision White Rook
- Marvel Fact Files #53 Ikaris Cover
- Marvel Fact Files #54 Mr Sinister Cover
- Marvel Fact Files #55 Mystique Cover
- Marvel Fact Files #56 X-Statix Cover
- Marvel Fact Files #57 Hope Summers Cover
- Marvel Fact Files #58 Arishem The Judge Cover
- Marvel Fact Files #59 Adam Warlock Cover
- Star Trek Starships Figure Magazine #31 The Valdore
- Star Trek Starships Figure Magazine #32 Danube Class Runabout
- Star Trek Starships Figure Magazine #33 Cardassian Hideki Class
- Star Trek Starships Figure Magazine Special #3 USS Vengeance
- Star Wars Insider #155
- Walking Dead Magazine #11
List compiled via Diamond Previews, publishers and with the help of First Age Comics, 3 Moor Lane, Lancaster LA1 1QD. Open: Tuesday – Friday 10.00am – 4.30pm, Saturday 10.00am – 5.30pm. Find them on Facebook
• First Age Comics also has a shop site on e-Bay:
• The downthetubes map of British Comic Shops
- About the Author
- Latest Posts
The founder of downthetubes, which he established in 1998. John works as a comics and magazine editor, writer, and on promotional work for the Lakes International Comic Art Festival. He is currently editor of Star Trek Explorer, published by Titan – his third tour of duty on the title originally titled Star Trek Magazine.
Working in British comics publishing since the 1980s, his credits include editor of titles such as Doctor Who Magazine, Babylon 5 Magazine, and more. He also edited the comics anthology STRIP Magazine and edited several audio comics for ROK Comics. He has also edited several comic collections, including volumes of “Charley’s War” and “Dan Dare”.
He’s the writer of “Pilgrim: Secrets and Lies” for B7 Comics; “Crucible”, a creator-owned project with 2000AD artist Smuzz; and “Death Duty” and “Skow Dogs” with Dave Hailwood.
Categories: 2000AD, British Comics, Doctor Who, US Comics