Don’t miss out on grabbing a Doctor Who “Daft Dimension” cartoon by Lew Stringer

BEANO and Doctor Who Magazine cartoonist Lew Stringer, creator of Combat Colin, Tom Thug and more, has severed original artworks up for auction on eBay – including a “Daft Dimension” strip for DWM featuring the Twelfth Doctor, Peter Capaldi.

Some items close today, Sunday 12th March 2023, others later in the week. View all Lew’s items on offer here. On offer are…

A Captain Wally page from Marvel UK’s Spider-Man Comic (1985). This is one of Lew’s earliest characters, a suburban superhero who lives with his parents…

Captain Wally by Lew Stringer, for Marvel UK’s Spider-Man Comic #648 (1985)
Captain Wally by Lew Stringer, for Marvel UK’s Spider-Man Comic #648 (1985). Bid on this original comic art here on eBay

A strip featuring very first appearance of The Giggly Sisters in the “Combat Colin” strip from Marvel UK’s Transformers No.196 (1988)…

Combat Colin by Lew Stringer - Transformers No.196 (1988)
Combat Colin by Lew Stringer. Bid on this original comic art here on eBay

A “Daft Dimension” strip from Doctor Who Magazine No.515 (2017) featuring the Twelfth Doctor, a Cyberman, Dalek, Sontaran, and Ice Warrior, plus the First Doctor in a spoof of the cliffhanger to the Doctor Who episode, “The Doctor Falls”…

“Daft Dimension” strip by Lew Stringer for Doctor Who Magazine No.515 (2017)
“Daft Dimension” by Lew Stringer featuring Peter Capaldi as The Doctor, art for Doctor Who Magazine. Bid on this original comic art here on eBay

A “Christmas with Tom Thug” page for the 1897 Christmas issue of Oink!)

“Christmas with Tom Thug” by Lew Stringer - Oink!, 1987
“Christmas with Tom Thug” by Lew Stringer. Bid on this original comic art here on eBay

A “Tom Thug’s Skooldayz” page from Buster (1989) with a Christmassy theme, that has attracted several bids…

“Tom Thug's Skooldayz” page from Buster (1989) by Lew Stringer
“Tom Thug’s Schooldays” by Lew Stringer. Bid on this original comic art here on eBay

Finally, how about a page from VIZ (2001)? “Tommy’s Tin Can Telephone” was a one-off character Lew created for the satirical comic, a full page in water colours…

“Tommy’s Tin Can Telephone” for VIZ, by Lew Stringer (2001)
“Tommy’s Tin Can Telephone” for VIZ, by Lew Stringer. Bid on this original comic art here on eBay

Some items close today, Sunday 12th March 2023, others later in the week. View all Lew’s items on offer here.

Lew Stringer (above right) signs a copy of The Art And History Of The Dandy as Nigel looks on. You can find out more about Lew’s work on his website while his blog Blimey! remains indispensable reading for fans of old British comics
Lew Stringer signing a copy of The Art And History Of The Dandy as fellow BEANO artist Nigel Parkinson looks on

Lew Stringer is a writer and artist of humour comics and has been freelancing in the UK comics industry for almost 40 years. His credits involve work for a range of age groups including Combat Colin for Marvel UK, Tom Thug for Fleetway, “The Pathetic Sharks” for VIZ, “Team Toxic” for Toxic Magazine and many more.

He’s been published in The Dandy, Oink!, Buster, Sonic the Comic, and numerous other titles. He’s also had a lifelong interest in the history of British comics and has written articles for the BBC website, Comics World magazine and others. Recent work has included “Pup Parade” for BEANO, “The Daft Dimension” for Doctor Who Magazine, and “Sgt Shouty” for The77.

Check out Lew’s work on his blog at

View all Lew’s items on offer on eBay, including his own comics, here

Categories: Art and Illustration, Auctions, British Comics, Comic Art, Comics, Doctor Who, downthetubes Comics News, downthetubes News, Other Worlds, Television

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