Yes, it’s time for another of those “Oh my God, we should have done this instead of editing some comics” catch ups on the British comics and independent comic creator-oriented Awesome Comics Podcast, brought to you by Dan Butcher, Vince Hunt and Tony Esmond (plus many great guests). The team are fast approaching Episode 100 – always an achievement for any volunteer run project – so what have they broadcast across the web lately?
Well, how about interviews with John-Paul Bove (Transformers), Jess Bradley (The Phoenix), Zak Simmonds Hurn (Monstrosity), Chris Imber and Chris Jenkins of Reckless Hero, convention organiser Dan Mallier, Rachael Smith — and, in the latest podcast, the brilliant Mac Smith, creator of the amazing web comic Scurry?
As usual, we’ve included the podcasts so you can listen right here!
Episode 89 – Leamington Comic Con with Dan Mallier
With Leamington Comic Con making a triumphant return this year, Vince and Tony are joined by Dan Mallier to talk about the show and how he started in convention planning and the perils of organising indie conventions.
Dan Butcher couldn’t make it, but to fill the epic void he leaves is the audio from the Awesome Pods panel appearance at True Believers 2017, featuring the amazing Rachael Smith and Chris Imber. If that wasn’t enough, there’s also talk of Logan, brilliant books you should check out and there’s a re-appearance of ACP’s Agony Aunty section ‘Ask Aunty Tony’.
It’s a jam packed, informative and hilarious show so don’t miss it!
ACP interviewed the winners of Leamington Comic Cons ‘Small Press Factor 2017’, the guys behind the sci-fi Elvis comic King Legacy. There’s talk of how the book came to be and what the adventure of self publishing had been like for them since launching their first ever book last year. Also on the show there’s talk of some more brilliant comic books you need to check out, Iron Fist, Bernie Wrightson and so much more.
After a great Leamington Comic Con weekend, the Awesome Pod crew got together to shoot the breeze and talk some comics. With no guest this week the conversation went far and wide, with talk of Leamington Comic Con 2017, Justice League, web comics, some amazing books were recommended and there is another round of the agony aunt segment ‘Ask Aunty Tony’.
Not only that, but there’s a cracking bunch of interviews from the shop floor of LCC to check out.
The ACP team kick off a whole month of talking about genre comics with a special look at GIANT MONSTERS! From King Kong to Godzuki, the ACP crew talk about all kinds of monsters in comics, helped by the creator of the awesome book Monstrosity, Zak Simmonds Hurn!
There’s talk of monsters in western and eastern cultures, classic bronze age creatures, the monsters of the big two and theres some poll results that bring up even more crazy and hilarious conversation. The answer to who would win out of Godzilla and King Kong is also answered in the style you come to expect from an Awesome Pod! Theres also an amazing selection of recommendations, Zak offers up an exclusive competition, Dan tries to get a clip show, Tonys on meds and Vince uses the word otherworldly more times than ever before!
Week 2 of the ACP’s genre-tastic April 2017 and the focus is KUNG FU COMICS! Joined by Chris Imber (Reckless Hero), the comic book talk ventures far and wide, from the classic heroes of the 1970s to the kinetic work of modern manga books.
As it’s martial arts, there’s more than a bit of talk about great martial arts cinema too, as well as some Iron Fist and Netflix TV talk, lots of Bruce Lee talk, everyone picks out their martial art movie faves and artists they love.
There’s also a great selection of books to check out and Chris attempts to take Vince’s job!
Week 3 of ACPs genre-tastic April takes a turn for the mechanical; as its Giant Robot Week! Joined by convention favourite John Paul Bove (Transformers, TMNT) the discussion covers all things robotic and more. It’s an epic conversation that goes from comics, to cartoons, to strange slash fiction and everything in between.
There’s also some more brilliant books you need to check out, tons of Transformer conversation, the results of a robot rumble are revealed and a particular area of fan art is shockingly revealed.
This week the gang are joined by the writer of Awesome Pod fave, Colossi crator Ricardo Mo, and everyone talks about the genre that’s been in comics from the very beginning – crime!
There’s discussion about some of the great crime comics that have been published, everyone’s personal favourites and how far reaching and malleable the crime genre can be. Plus, Dan talks about his Waitrose shopping habits, Ricardo throws a curveball in the world of favourite pastries, Tony go full on Victor Meldrew and as Vince has created the word genre-tastic, dammit he’s going to use it!
It’s the last week of the ACPs look at genres in comics, and they finish off their ‘genre-tastic’ month with Western comics! From cowboy tales to more grizzly, modern takes, it’s a genre thats still going strong even amongst the small press. The gang are and joined by Reckless Heroes very own Chris Jenkins (writer of The Last Sheriff) the gang discuss some of the questions and characters made famous by the wild west and beyond.
There’s also discussion about getting artists for your independent projects, some colouring talk, more brilliant independent books are recommended and everyone refuses to talk about Guardians of the Galaxy.
This week Vince, Dan and Tony take time to focus on the art of the comic book cover! There are some classics that are lovingly remembered and plenty of great examples brought up by the listeners that are discussed. There’s fascinating insight into creating a cover thumbnail for digital stores, things to think about when designing covers that are going into stores and discussions about everyones favourite cover artists.
There’s also more fantastic book recommendations for everyone – and plenty of time for some all-important soup talk!
This week the ACP gang are joined by Jess Bradley, creator of The Phoenix comic’s “Squid Bits’ and all round super-geek mum, and together they all talk about the world of kids comics!
From the stuff that was everyone’s “gateway” book that got them into comics, to the visibility of modern all ages comics on the high street, the conversation is varied, hilarious and unlike the subject matter, definitely not for kids.
There’s some awesome books for listeners to check out, parenting skills are discussed and the best character names ever are mentioned throughout the show.
With Dan away, Vince and Tony are joined by the creator of the hugely popular and stunning-looking webcomic Scurry, Mac Smith. There’s plenty of talk about how the book came to be, the journey from webcomic to hugely successful Kickstarter and the Awesome Pod gang get a new awful film they need to dig up and watch.
There’s also more great indie books that get recommended, cakes get discussed and Mac drops a pull quote about the show that pretty much sums the ACP up perfectly!
Awesome Podcast Links
• Find the Awesome Comics Podcast on Podbean
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• Facebook: | Awesome Comics Talk
• Twitter: @theawesomepod | Vince: @jesterdiablo | Dan: @Vanguardcomic | Tony: @Ezohyez
• Got some small press and self published stuff you want the ACP team to check out? Drop them a line at
- About the Author
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The founder of downthetubes, which he established in 1998. John works as a comics and magazine editor, writer, and on promotional work for the Lakes International Comic Art Festival. He is currently editor of Star Trek Explorer, published by Titan – his third tour of duty on the title originally titled Star Trek Magazine.
Working in British comics publishing since the 1980s, his credits include editor of titles such as Doctor Who Magazine, Babylon 5 Magazine, and more. He also edited the comics anthology STRIP Magazine and edited several audio comics for ROK Comics. He has also edited several comic collections, including volumes of “Charley’s War” and “Dan Dare”.
He’s the writer of “Pilgrim: Secrets and Lies” for B7 Comics; “Crucible”, a creator-owned project with 2000AD artist Smuzz; and “Death Duty” and “Skow Dogs” with Dave Hailwood.
Categories: Audio, British Comics, Comic Creator Interviews, Creating Comics, downthetubes Comics News, downthetubes News, Other Worlds